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School Information

At Dorin Park, we have 4 curriculum pathways; pre-formal, informal, semi-formal and formal. All of our learners are grouped according to the pathway they are following, also taking into account their key stage.

Our most able learners with MLD on the formal pathway are based at our satellite provision within Upton-by-Chester High School.

Primary is made up of both Reception and Primary children. Learners in Reception year, and in most cases Year 1, follow the Early Years Foundation Stage framework. Other classes in Primary follow the traditional primary model of being class-based and follow the EQUALS curriculum.

Seniors is divided into three areas (key stages): KS3, KS4 and KS5. A number of children join us from mainstream primaries for the start of Year 7. Classes in each key stage are mixed year as they are taught in their curriculum pathways. Most classes are taught within the same key stages. Some classes contain more than one key stage, such as KS4/5, as their qualifications spread over a number of years. Classes either operate on an EQUALS model, which is mainly class-based, or on a high school model of specialist subjects taught by specialist teachers. There is no cap to the level of qualification that can be taken at Dorin Park at KS4 and KS5. Classes at Dorin Park can be entered for Entry level, GCSE or GCSE equivalents. Our most able learners with MLD on the formal pathway (the learners at our satellite provision base in Upton-by-Chester High School) then progress to college at the end of Year 11 or after a transition Year 12. Other learners can stay with us for a 2-year 6th form programme based around independent living skills.

All learners at Dorin Park work towards achieving long- and short-term outcomes on their SEND profiles. Long-term outcomes are usually set for the duration of a learner’s key stage with short-term outcomes set to break these down into smaller, measurable outcomes. These are monitored and evidenced through the use of Evidence for Learning (EfL) and are changed regularly throughout the year. Outcomes give learners a long-term goal to aim for. In Seniors, this is related to whether they are focusing on a work-readiness pathway, an independent-living pathway or one which focuses on maintaining skills for our learners with degenerative conditions. We are very focused on achieving the best outcomes for our leavers in terms of their future life chances and where a learner can go into employment or an FE course leading into employment, they will be thoroughly prepared for that. These learners continue to have a particularly high focus on literacy, numeracy and ICT skills through KS5. Our learners focusing on independent living have increased time on Life Skills as they move through the school to prepare them for adulthood and our learners with the most challenges follow a sensory curriculum to continue to broaden their experiences.